01. Ezin hobeak
02. Saldu
03. Beltzez jantzitako gizon gizenak
04. Isilpeko mezuetan
01. Ezin hobeak
02. Saldu
03. Beltzez jantzitako gizon gizenak
04. Isilpeko mezuetan
05. Dena eta ezer ez
06. Desertu
07. Galderarik gabeko erantzunak
08. Mugak
09. 50''-tan
10. Islada hutsa
11. Itxaropenari aipuak
01. Lurramets (Intro)
02. Cryhavoc!
03. Psalm of the Accursed
04. Akelarre
01. Lurramets (Intro)
02. Cryhavoc!
03. Psalm of the Accursed
04. Akelarre
05. The Awakening
06. Amalur
07. The Slavic Covenant
08. A Crownless King
09. The Hardest of Harvests
10. Zombeer Alcoholocaust
11. Brothers in Arms
12. Fear a' Bhàta (Bonus)
01. Intro
02. Witness Me
03. Next Level of Hate
04. Scum
01. Intro
02. Witness Me
03. Next Level of Hate
04. Scum
05. Times of Wrath
06. Made
07. Men of the North
08. Breathin the Fear
01. Therapy of the evil
02. All hallows evening
03. Nightmares
04. Cut and kill
01. Therapy of the evil
02. All hallows evening
03. Nightmares
04. Cut and kill
05. Vengeance
06. Brewer of death
07. Demons visions
08. Bestial human
09. Ghost from the old port
10. Malted venom
11. Tortured spirit
1. Incessant Magma
2. Spearheaderon
3. Cataclysmic Triada
4. Fold Eksis
1. Incessant Magma
2. Spearheaderon
3. Cataclysmic Triada
4. Fold Eksis
5. Rift
6. Orb Terrax
7. Weighteer
8. Barrier
01. No way out
02. Nuclear violence
03. Dystopian future
04. Strike first
01. No way out
02. Nuclear violence
03. Dystopian future
04. Strike first
05. Stronger than all
06. No more
07. Running dead
08. World collapse
09. Colossal maelstrom
01. Miedo al Despertar
02. La Fiera
03. El Salto
04. Entrégate al Momento
01. Miedo al Despertar
02. La Fiera
03. El Salto
04. Entrégate al Momento
05. Vuelta a Empezar
06. Estrella del Cartel
07. Lazos de Sangre
08. Vais a Caer
09. Eraztuna
10. Prohibido Soñar
01. Metalizer
02. 1366 (Old King's Visions Part V)
03. Against All Kings
04. Eye For an Eye
01. Metalizer
02. 1366 (Old King's Visions Part V)
03. Against All Kings
04. Eye For an Eye
05. I Will Stand Forever
06. Vulcano
07. Howling at the Moon
08. The Last to Die
09. Walking in the Rain
10. Rebel Mind
11. Titans in D Minor
01. Diabolus
02. Bizhilik
03. Harro
04. Inor Ez
01. Diabolus
02. Bizhilik
03. Harro
04. Inor Ez
05. 1937
06. Hezurraren Kultura
07. X & Y
08. Amets Ehiztariak
09. Amets Hipoxikoak
10. Kontra
01. Dardararen bat
02. Zuri
03. Infrasoinuak
04. Spoiler!
01. Dardararen bat
02. Zuri
03. Infrasoinuak
04. Spoiler!
05. Zaldi zauritua
06. Beude
07. Hozkia
08. Sed lex
09. Katedral bat
10. Zorionaren lobbya
01. Zoramena
02. Bazoaz
03. Erresistentziara kondenatuak
04. Zain, zure zain
01. Zoramena
02. Bazoaz
03. Erresistentziara kondenatuak
04. Zain, zure zain
05. Bere hitzen faltan
06. Zure argia
07. Eguna argitzean
08. Bowiek, denborari
09. Ezer pasiorik gabe
10. Nor naizen jakin
11. Eskutitza
12. Zuloaren zuloan
13. Zure albotik urrun banago
14. Gautxoria
15. Zure aurrean makurtzen naiz
16. Sumendia sutan
17. Haika mutil
18. Erresistentziara kondenatuak II
19. Itxaropena
20. Jo ta ke
21. Hitz margotuak
22. Mari
23. Gau iluna amaitu da
24. Begira
01. Ex(h)o(r)de
02. Tout va mieux
03. Tout va bien
04. Rien ne va plus
01. Ex(h)o(r)de
02. Tout va mieux
03. Tout va bien
04. Rien ne va plus
05. Condamnez-moi
06. Ensemble
07. En vérité, je vous le dis
08. Puise ma honte
09. Plus rien ne va
01. Blood Bath
02. Basoko Izakiak
03. Beltansuge
04. Broken Wings
01. Blood Bath
02. Basoko Izakiak
03. Beltansuge
04. Broken Wings
05. State of Becoming
06. By the Will of the Sword
07. Beloved Swallow
08. Basque Witches
09. Bygone Era
10. Basajaun